News Archive

SDSC Visited by Two National Science Foundation Leaders

Published 02/02/2006

SDSC was visited by two particularly important National Science Foundation (NSF) leaders in the last month. In late December, the center welcomed Dr. Arden Bement, Director of the NSF, to SDSC. Dr. Bement spoke with SDSC staff about Cyberinfrastructure and toured the SDSC machine room. We very much appreciated Dr. Bement taking the time to visit SDSC, and all of his thoughtful comments during our discussions.

On February 2, NSF's Chief Information Officer, George Strawn, took the time to meet with several center leaders at the SDSC/Calit2 Synthesis Center and tour SDSC's machine room. Strawn was particularly interested in the center's focus on data and security and said SDSC is the "crown jewel" of the NSF.